Donate to our Cause

Annually, we run a scholarship awards program to qualified Isoko descents at Colleges of Education, Polytechnics and Universities in Isokoland. We also look for creative ways to integrate sons and daughters of Isoko based in the United States. Our belief is that youth and young adults are the lifeblood of the Isoko ways of life, and we want them to treasure this unique culture and heritage. Isoko Association of Northern California is aware of the importance of researching meaningful projects that directly impact the lives of our Isoko people in Nigeria. Recently, we committed funds to school supplies to schools in Isoko communities. We engage in a variety of Welfare and Emergency Relief Assistance programs that are specific to the real time needs of the Isoko People.

In spite of some milestones reached, there is still work to be done, but together, we can improve the lives of so many of our brothers and sisters in Isoko. Your tax-deductible donation will serve as a building block on the road to success. Help us accomplish our mission by becoming a sponsor today!

As a 501© association, IANC relies on volunteers and sponsorships for the running of her operations. 100% of your tax-deductible donation and gift goes towards the funding of various projects in the U.S and the Isoko community in Nigeria.

⦁ Platinum Sponsor – $1,000
⦁ Diamond Sponsor – $750
⦁ Gold Sponsor – $500
⦁ Silver Sponsors – $250
⦁ Bronze Sponsor- $100

Payment Methods:
Make checks payable to the Isoko Association of Northern California, 756 Begonia Drive, San Leandro, CA 94578
via Venmo – @IsokoAssocNCal 

Your donations are deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Consult your tax advisor.